Anritsu MG9638A - 可调光源
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Used to evaluate the wavelength characteristics of optical fiber amplifiers used in WDM (especially DWDM) transmission from 1500 to 1580nm. It uses a semiconductor amplifier providing a high-power output of at least +4 dBm.
Single moded emission 1500 to 1580nm
1 picometer wavelength setting resolution
Within 7 picometer wavelength repeatability
Within 4 dBm or more output
Two output ports
Anritsu MG9638AAnritsu MG9638ATunable Laser SourceThe larger transmission capacity required by multimedia applications has seen increasing use of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) using optical fiber amplifiers in every field from R&D to commercial operation. As a consequence, key WDM optical devices such as optical fiber amplifiers, couplers, and isolators require even higher performance and MG9637A/9638A design meets these requirements through excellent wavelength repeatability achieved by self calibration, improved reliability using a new external cavity technology. The MG9638A uses a semiconductor amplifier giving a high-power output of at least +4 h MG9637A and 9638A laser sources are ideal for evaluating the wavelength loss characteristics and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) of optical devices (couplers, filters, etc.), as well as the gain and noise figure of optical fiber amplifiers and PMD used in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) s:* Single moded emission* 1 pm wavelength setting resolution* 7 pm max. wavelength repeatability* +4 dBm or more output* Two output ports